Create Account on Vercel

How to create account on

Vercel is a platform for frontend frameworks and static sites, built to integrate with your headless content, commerce, or database.

We use Vercel to host our website it's Free and Fast at the same time, This way we don't have to worry about hosting and all the server configuration that comes with

Step 1 Sign up to Vercel

Open and click on signup if you don't have an account yet

Signup using your GitHub account, If you don't have GitHub account yet please go-ahead and create one first here

Once you have signed up, You will be redirected to your Dashboard

Congratulations! You've successfully created your Vercel account.

Head to environment-variables and add all the variablaes from .env.local here otherwise most of the features won't work like google map, emails, auth0...ect

Last updated